Thursday, September 3, 2009

Defining Beauty: A Reminder

The image of Lizzie Miller is from the September issue of Glamour magazine. There's been some hype about it, because it's not a picture of your everyday size 2 magazine model. She's size 12-14 and weighs *gasp* 180lbs. But tell me, does she not look fabulous? I think so.

I'm glad we're getting some more representation on the varying shapes & sizes of women out there. We need a shift in the way we think, and how we measure what is beautiful, acceptable, or desired. We need to redefine 'Beauty', for all its sizes.

This is the kind of image that I would assume many women can relate to. Someone real. Someone happy and confident in her own body, despite it's 'imperfections'. Which really, in the big scheme of things, are so small they are not even worth thinking about. Obviously, she doesn't. It's the rest of us, that have been suckered into this belief that women should have teenie tiny waists, flat as a wall abs, perfect breasts, and wrinkle-free, dimple-free smooth flawless skin...but every woman should feel beautiful in her own skin, whether size 2 or size 14, and not be measured by the single standard:

The reality is: we come in different shapes and sizes. What is a healthy size for one woman, might be different than the next. Eventually all skin wrinkles, tits sag and gravity takes its toll. We all have imperfections. The question is: who really cares? Let's get on with the things that matter and love ourselves for who we are. Beauty, flaws, and all...


Tyler Hayes said...

Spot on, 100%

Seems this train of thought is making some good rounds, hope it keeps going.

Charis said...

Are you kidding me? she's gorgeous!

(actually, I had no idea she was "plus size" until you wrote the size she wears!)

Dave "Loose Cannon" Wills said...

Yeah it's about time they start showing what real women look like (curves, size, shape).